The Train Journey

Chapter 2

Jonny Masters
2 min readMay 10, 2023
Photo by Chris Yang on Unsplash

A haunted house is not a necessary habitat for the ghosts of the past. They need only a haunted heart.

As the stations passed by, and the destination grew closer the passengers grew in number. John checked his watch. Two hours had passed. It was rush hour. That explained the rapidly increasing numbers. He stared once more out of the window, not noticing the fields and farmhouses. His mind drifted to that morning when he had finally decided to leave.

Karen couldn’t forgive him. Why should she, after what he’d done? Instead, she had been in a state of coexistence for the past few months, speaking only when absolutely necessary, or in response to a question. John enjoyed silence, but it had soon become oppressive. He had pleased with her, begged her even, to forgive him. But she simply looked him in the eyes, close-mouthed, and said, “I cannot forgive you, John. I doubt I ever will.” He had asked many times, and each time he received the same response, or as close to it as made no difference.

He had met Ruth in a bar, after a long day at work. Her smile lit up the room as she laughed with her friends. She had been willing to chat with him, and her smile was warmer than any Karen had offered in years. The sex was better too. Not that he’d discovered that on the first night. They’d exchanged numbers and met at the same bar a couple of nights later. It was soon after that he’d left his wedding vows in the mud, trampled and unheeded. He shouldn’t have done it, but…

The train sounded its horn, breaking him out of his remembering. He’d been about to do it again. Make an excuse. Soon, he would finally be free. He would escape at last.

You can read the first chapter of this story here.



Jonny Masters

Gay Christian. Editor of Poetry Playground, Inclusive Christianity, Prism & Pen. I write a daily drabble with themes such as pets, tourism, humour and politics.