5 things I’m looking forward to at my wedding

Number three is brilliant! (Clickbait subtitle is irresistible)

Jonny Masters
4 min readApr 8, 2022
The Globe at Durlston, where we will have our wedding breakfast

Next year I’m getting married. I’m so excited. I am looking forward to committing the rest of my life to my partner and celebrating our love with friends and family. Here are five things I am looking forward to about our wedding that I think every couple planning a wedding could look forward to.

1. Ceremony

I love wedding ceremonies. There’s the entrance of the bride/groom, the vows, the singing (in church), and the talk about how to love and live well together.

I often get emotional as the bride walks down the aisle. Our wedding will have two grooms, but I’m sure there will be lots of tears when the aisle walk happens. We haven’t worked out the exact order of how it will work yet, but I know it is going to be special.

Getting married in church is very important to me. My faith shapes me and is the biggest influencer (I hope) in my decision-making. Getting married and acknowledging the presence of God in the vows will be an incredible moment.

Then there’s the singing. Or, more accurately, sung worship. I love to sing praise to God. Usually loudly, and off-key, but with bundles of enthusiasm. God’s love for us is so vast, and God is so…



Jonny Masters

Gay Christian. Editor of Poetry Playground, Inclusive Christianity, Prism & Pen. I write a daily drabble with themes such as pets, tourism, humour and politics.